Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We woke up quite early this morning to the rolling thunder and lightening (I'm scared of it and so is Lili)! I don't mind the rain, but the thunder can end anytime now :)

Jr. & Jetti went to their new home Friday night :( At least they don't live too far away, so I can visit anytime! Last night was our second night milking Peachy, Jr. & Jetti's mom. We got 2 pints from her last night! I'm so excited to learn how to make goat's milk soap, cheese and ice cream!

Monday, May 28, 2012

We're trying to keep the critters cool on this Memorial Day weekend! We went to the swap at TSC in Augusta on Saturday and sold 26 chicks! Jamison bought pheasents and I bought a lionhead doe and a pair of dwarf hampsters, lol. They are so cute, I couldn't resist :) I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and remembering the real reason for Memorial Day ;)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meet Hope :)

My pal Tammy brought by her little 1lb 9oz Nigerian Dwarf doe, who I call Hope, by today for a visit. She's SO tiny and SO sweet! I have "hope" that she'll pull through <3
It's a warm day on Little Bit Farm. I'm trying to keep the critters cool and comfortable. The baby goats are getting very big. They'll be 7 & 8 wks old this weekend. I love watching them frolic and play, but it's almost time for them to go to their new homes :( Jetti & Jr. will be going to The Fitch Family Farm in Chesterville. Pablo & Picasso will stay here for a while. I'm keeping Picasso as one of my bucks and am still looking for a home for Pablo.

I'm looking forward to a long Memorial Day weekend to relax and enjoy my family and critters <3

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Everyone made it through the thunderstorm/light show we had last night. I woke up very scared in the night from the thunder and then stayed awake for a while worrying about all of my critters, with the thunder, lightening, wind and rain. What a storm!

I picked up the baby turkeys from the post office this morning. Maggie, I assure you this is the last post office run this year, at least it better be. It's funny how a lot of these birds are my loving husband's, yet I get stuck picking them up from the post office, feeding them and cleaning out their stinky ol' pens! He's lucky I love him and that I love animals or he'd be doing all of the dirty work himself ;)

I'm picking up my new vehicle today!!! I'm hoping it will keep me from bringing home so many critters! I'm trading my truck in for an suv. I want it to stay clean for a while, so I don't plan on bringing any of them in it...we'll see how long that lasts ;) Enjoy the sunshine all...it's nice to finally see it again!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I'm a proud mom of a 19 month old, energetic little girl and many other "kids" :)

Speaking of kids...apparently my goats (does) got into the buck pen 2 times and Jamison just told me today (the 2nd time). I'm keeping my fingers crossed none of them got bred and if they did...let's hope it was to the buck I wanted them bred to in the fall anyway.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Oh, I forgot to mention that I also brought home a 9 month old, polled, toggenburg/pygmy cross buck last night. The goal is to breed him to Alva and get baby goats w/out horns! I can't wait! I'll take pictures as soon as the rain lets up and post them :)
Cornish x Rocks & Barred Rock Chicks

150 chicks arrived at the post office this morning! Thankfully, my brother in law, Jon, came and got his 40 this morning. My father in law will pick up his 15 later and we're stuck raising the rest! There's A LOT of peeping coming from the spare bedroom!!!
Runner Ducklings

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The runner ducklings have arrived and they are SO cute! I'll post pics soon :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

RIP Naomi

She's no longer in pain! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO heartbroken!!! My mom, Meredith & Tammy tell me I did everything I could, but I feel SO guilty...like I could've done more. She was such a sweet baby goatie for the few weeks I had her to enjoy. Another goatie angel sent to heaven <3

I love you Naomi!
We've had a very stressful day...Naomi is very sick :( A friend says she thinks she got into something toxic and became bloated. I didn't realize she was bloated until late this morning. She came over and helped me get baking soda into her and electrolytes. I have no idea what she ate, but I hope she gets through this! It's going to be a LONG night...but I won't give up!

Emma helping take care of Naomi :(

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I got a sad phone call from the postmaster this morning that all 150 chicks arrived dead! I called the hatchery and they're shipping another 150 out on May 9th. We're thinking the post office may have left them outside too long :(

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Stella is settling in nicely...she's still a bully, but I think that's just who she is, lol. We tried milking the mommas again last night. They did better on the milk stand, but we still didn't get much milk out of them. I'm going to seperate the boys today so we can milk them tonight...sorry boys :(

We moved the young chicks outside to their new pens. We had to make room for the 100 meat chicks & 50 bonus chicks arriving tomorrow! We also had to move the young mallard ducks, because they were picking on the chickens. They're much happier, as they have a pen with a pond now! We have a wild mallard hen who lands here every morning now to eat with the other ducks...I wonder if she's one of the ones we let go last fall. That would be SO cool if it was her!

We're hoping for a little sun soon...it's a little soggy around here!