Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I haven't updated in a couple of weeks. We haven't had much progress on our barn, as Jamison has been working a lot! We've been from fair to fair every weekend, entering our birds, doing fairly well. We went with my pal Meredith Pepper & Family and checked on the birds at the Windsor Fair and got mostly 1st and 2nd place wins :) Every little bit helps with the grain bill! I bet the birds will be more than ready to be home by the end of fair season. They are used to free ranging and at the fairs they are cooped up in small cages with tons of people, sticking their fingers in cages and making unusual bird noises at them (these people obviously don't have a clue about birds or realize what idiots they sound like when they do this) but that's the public for ya ;) After Labor Day weekend, we're off to Clinton Fair for a weekend...wish us luck!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

FYI...STAY AWAY from Empty Pockets Farm (Jenny Poland)- Turner, Maine!-What I just posted on her FB page...

I've had my buckling, Larry, for 6 months now and have yet to recieve his Sire's ID # from you. You've assured me that the paperwork is in the works, but I haven't seen anything yet. I've emailed, called & texted you with no response since May. I've been as patient as I can be but I'm ready to start using him as the "registered" buckling I PAID YOU FOR! I've even called ADGA to see if I could get the ID # from them, but they don't have the Sire's name you put on my application in their system, so he's obviously not registered yet...could you please contact me?

SO...I'm left wondering how I'm able to actually register this buckling I paid for. She either put a false Sire name on my application, doesn't own the Sire she used to produce my buckling or is just lazy about the registration process. If you're in this business you really need to be honest and timely with all of this information...nobody likes a dishonest person, especially me. Don't sell any animal as "registered" if you haven't or don't plan to release the necessary information at the time of sale! This is common sense people!

Monday, August 13, 2012

After a little truck trouble we finally got our birds to the Skowhegan Fair on Saturday night! I'm anxious to see how they placed in the show...I guess we'll have to go to the fair to find out :) Fair season has begun...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Last night was the first time since Jamison's vacation that the goat barn was worked on. A BIG THANK YOU to Mark Turner & Jonathan Turner for your help in the rain! I can't wait until it's done! The only other thing happening around here is we've had a fox in the area. We've lost 6 young turkeys, several show chickens and I think my cat :( I wish I could catch it...I'd learn to use a gun real fast!