Thursday, September 20, 2012

For Sale
This is the bred doe I rescued. As soon as she kids, I'll be selling her...having 1 horned goat and the rest dehorned isn't working out on our farm. She's a great goat, but needs a home where there are other horned animals. I'm asking the $125 that I paid for her. She's an unregistered nigerian dwarf. If anyone is interested, message me.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My gram and I made our first batch of homemade spaghetti sauce on Sunday...I can't wait to try it! We have at least 2 more batches to make as soon as the tomatoes are ripe enough and a batch of pickles (I haven't decided what kind yet). We'll also be canning carrots. I had hoped to do a lot more canning this year, but lost most of my garden to a neighbor's dog tearing through it :( There's always next year...

Our birds are at the Farmington Fair. They'll be there until Sunday...if you get a chance stop by and see how they did in the bird show :)

I'm ordering the siding today for the goat barn...I've waited long enough! We've been trying to get the best price possible, but fall/winter is coming and I have 3 bred does that need a warm place to have babies. We're getting this thing done...hopefully before the first week in October ( It's Emma's 2nd birthday & we'll be away at the Fryeburg Fair). Wish us luck!

Friday, September 14, 2012

I can't seem to keep my does in their pen lately! I'm going a little crazy chasing them back in their pen several times a day. My husband just needs to add more cedar posts to make the fence lower to the ground so they can't slip under and add electricity to the play yard so they can't go through the electric fence. He works a lot, so he'll get to it when he can. In the meantime, I've got to figure something out! Any ideas are welcome :) On the positive's Friday!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I've added new tabs to the top of my blog, with all of the farm info (Thanks for the help Meredith ;)) Take a look and tell me what ya think :) I'll add pics soon!

Monday, September 10, 2012

A friend called today asking if I wanted to buy a bred nigerian dwarf goat with horns. My initial answer was NO, as the rest of my herd is dehorned. Then she explained that it was going to be slaughtered in a few days if someone didn't buy her and she just didn't have room on her farm of 20+ goats. So...she showed me a picture and brought me to see this goat and I didn't have the heart to leave her there to be slaughtered, especially with babies on board! She's due to kid in a couple of weeks, so we'll have fall kids if anyone is interested! I'll post pics of her soon :)

She is chocolate colored with a black topline, frosted ears & nose and white markings on her belly...oh, and don't forget those blue eyes!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My does will be put in with the bucks this afternoon so the does that aren't already bred (I believe 1 is already, if not more) will be soon, which means February kids!

On another note, we have a skunk problem...a VERY stinky skunk problem. We've trapped 3 as of today! Does anybody know of anything we can put out to scare them away?