Sunday, December 30, 2012

In the last 3 days, Little Bit Farm has been hit with 2 good snow storms, leaving us covered in snow! It's very pretty, but a pain to trudge through trying to do am/pm chores! I'm not sure that any of the critters really like it and they only come out of the barn/calf hutch to be fed. I'll take some winter pics and post them later :)

I'm excited for a new year...bring on 2013! I'm excited for a new kidding season to begin, and keeping my fingers crossed I get at least 1 doe this year (I was blessed with 6 bucks in 2012)! And I'm excited to meet my new baby in  March <3

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I hope everybody had a Merry Christmas, I know we did...Christmas is so much more fun having a child! Christmas Eve the 2 little boys, Ben & Jerry, went to their new home in Oakland. I was a little sad, but knew they were going to a great home, with two young boys to play with all Christmas vacation! So all of my babies are gone :( Now to hurry up and wait for the next doe to kid...I'm guessing it's going to be Peachy and then Pan Dee. Then I'll be due to have my baby March 13 :) We're not sure if Alva is bred and Helga will kid in May. It'll be a very busy spring, filled with a baby and lots of kids :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Yesterday was a sunny, beautiful day out! I spent the day baking for Christmas and trying to keep 2 adorable baby goats away from their momma (which is no easy task when they're 5 weeks old and little). I'm trying to get them on a bottle before their new family picks them up on Christmas Eve!

After 2-3 attempts at giving them a bottle, they must have been hungry enough that they both drank 2 oz at 11:30. I hope they'll take more at each feeding and not have any digestive problems, where I'm switching them to cow's milk. I want them to be healthy and happy for their new family :)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's been busy around Little Bit Farm...RM came home with a new girlfriend, Helga (bred nigerian dwarf). She seems to be fitting in nicely. We're trying to bottle feed the 2 little boys, Ben & Jerry, as they'll be going to their new home for Christmas! And hopefully we'll be finishing the barn the weekend after Christmas!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I'm very sad this morning, as I woke up to no Larry (goat) when I went out to hay them this morning :'( I'm not sure what happened...RIP Lar-Bear ♥

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The nigerian X bottle babies went to their new home today. I was a little sad, but they went to a good home!

Then...a family from Oakland ended up coming to see the (2) 3 week old nigerian X boys and buying them for their boys for Christmas. They'll be going to their new home Christmas Eve. It's good, but it's all happening SO fast! I don't know if this pregnant momma can handle it :(

Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's a bittersweet day...the bottle babies new mom came to see them again today and is taking them home tomorrow :( I have way too many bucks on my farm, so it needed to happen, but I've gotten very attached to them in the few weeks they've been here! I know from talking to their new family, that they'll be very well taken care of and we can go see them anytime we want :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

There isn't much happening around here lately, except for frozen water buckets and hungry critters! I've had a few calls on the 2 blue eyed nigerian x bottle babies I have for sale...keep your fingers crossed they go to their new homes for Christmas :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

I just updated my For Sale Page! We currently have 5 bucks and 1 wether for sale from 2 wks old-7 months old. They all make great pets/Christmas presents! Contact me for more info :)