Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sorry I haven't updated in a while...with summer we are always SO busy! We have been cutting down our goat herd...I'm trying to get down to about 8 (we had 14). We're almost there!

Jamison has since started our gardens with peas, corn, tomatoes, green peppers and cucumbers. I can't wait to start eating/canning them!

And, lastly, today I start a new adventure raising a border cheviat/kerry hill lamb. I've never had sheep before, but there's a first time for everything! I've heard he's a meat breed and that the wool isn't as good quality as fiber sheep, but with a little help, I may try to sheer him someday and use his wool. Wish me luck! I'll post pics later :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Our 1st time hand milking a goat!

Thank you for the help Tammy!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day Babies!!!
Helga started showing signs of labor at 5am and had these adorable twins at 1pm this afternoon :)
 Doe, going to Broken Oak Farm :)
Buck, available as a bottle baby or at 8 wks old. Contact me for more info :)