Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A few photos of our last storm...gearing up for another one Thurs-Fri!

Monday, December 30, 2013

I picked up the new bunnies Saturday! They seem to be settling in nicely :) Yesterday, Jamison helped me trim the goat's and sheep's hooves and I wormed everyone before the wicked storm we got...we got a foot of snow! After a cup of coffee and the baby goes down for a nap, I'm headed out to shovel! Jamison will snow blow the rest when he gets home from work. Enjoy the snow everyone! And I'll try to get some pics of the snow to post later :)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I picked out 2 new bunnies with pedigree today! I know I'll breed them for Easter bunnies, but not sure if I'll show them or not. I'll pick them up right after Christmas and I'm SO excited!!!

 Harlequin Mini Lop Buck

 Daphne (Mini Lop Doe)

Since my last post we've lost Charlie (alpine/nigerian dwarf) buck and Patrick (nigerian dwarf) buck :'( The vet believes it was due to too many parasites in their systems. We wormed them, but apparently with the worm/parasite problem this year we needed to double or triple the wormer dosage. A lesson learned the hard way :( We don't have any more bucks on Little Bit Farm and I'm thinking about keeping it that way for a while! We may try again next year, but for now we just have 4 adult does and a sheep.

Jamison worked hard the end of Nov-beginning of Dec to finish the barn so my horse could come home, only to find out we couldn't find anyone to trailer him home. So he and Sundance (my sister's paint) will stay at my grandparent's till next fall. We'll move to my grandparent's for 2 months, while they are in Florida to take care of them. Emma will enjoy seeing them everyday and helping take care of them!