We spent a lot of time in the goat pens today trying to get everybody to get along with Alva, with no luck. So, Alva remains in the pen next to the mommas and 4 kids. The kids can climb through the calf panel to visit and play with Alva as they please. Hopefully the mommas get used to her and start to play nicely. We switched the goats to opposite sides of the pen so Alva actually sleeps in her house now...when we had her on the other side she slept outside all night :( Jamison also made a new pen for the indian runner duck, so she has a small stream to play in :)
As of last night, all 4 kids have homes as soon as they're old enough. Pablo and Picasso will go to my mom's house and the other 2 will go to Jamison's cousin, Jade & family :) That means I can bring home more babies from the auction in 2 weeks, right Maggie? LOL